New Book Release: Wisdom's Harvest

New Book Release:  Wisdom's Harvest

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Monday, January 6, 2014

The Watchman's School of Prayer and Intercession

God Bless You!  As we embark on a New Year, it is vital to be able to discern the times and seasons in which we live.  There is an anointing of the sons of Issachar that is flowing in the body of Christ and it is time to rise up in who God has called you to be and do what he has created you to do!

In January 2012, KA Brown Ministries called to arms those who desire to operate in a new realm of revelatory Prayer and Intercession as Watchmen in the body of Christ.  For the past two years, this class has empowered and equipped soldiers in the Lord's Army for such a time as this.  As we have crossed over into 2014, we will continue to gather to learn strategies for powerful and effective warfare, educate you on the tools for effective warfare and activate the anointing for ferverent prayer and intercession in the lives of those who wish to go to another dimension in prayer.

Registration is open now!  Click on the BUY NOW button to your right to register.  Please feel free to call us at 1-888-813-8481 for more information.  If you desire to be a part of these monthly sessions, contact us via e-mail at to be placed on our Ministry Mailing List.  We look forward to seeing you there!